We take sourcing seriously and try to use the best ingredients available. We are proud to use the following suppliers of top notch stuff.


From The Rare Breed Meat Company, Colchester

The family run farm and butcher in Colchester supplies fantastic quality free range meat including Blythburgh and Gloucester Old Spot pork that we use in our devilled pork rolls and magnificent free range beef.

What the Dickens! uses only the best suppliers, like this smoked fishSmoked fish

From J. Bennett Jnr, Billingsgate Market

Don is a specialist in smoked fish and getting up very early in the morning indeed. He also supplies us with the great Alfred Enderby smoked haddock we use in our kedgeree,. As well as being sustainable it’s recently been granted Protected Geographical Indication status as Grimsby traditional smoked fish. Don also sells wonderful Manx kippers that we can’t get enough of!

What the Dickens! uses only the best suppliers, like bread from the SpenceBread

From The Spence, Stoke Newington

Katherine at The Spence makes all sorts of great bread. We mainly use the bread rolls and and burger buns which are delivered fresh every day. They are recognised by the Real Bread Campaign, which means the bread is entirely free from artificial additives and processing aids. The also run a very nice little café on Stoke Newington Church Street.

Free range eggs

From Clarence Court

Clarence Court really do produce very nice eggs. You can get them in a lot of supermarkets these days too. All from heritage breed hens they taste as good as they look.

Other suppliers we recommend

We would also heartily recommend the following suppliers who we use when the need arises.

  • Wildes Cheese – Making cheese in Tottenham since 2012.
  • Blackhand Charcuterie – Hackney based charcuterie wizard.
  • The Pie Cart – Scotch eggs specialists.
  • Chatsworth Fruit and Veg – Great local greengrocer the likes of which you don’t see all the time these days.